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Paparazzi beaten up for clicking Amy Jackson by her bouncers

The paparazzi were beginning to have a ball when a security man of Amy Jackson Prateek Chauhan, hired specifically for the ceremony, lost his cool. Deciding to be the saviour of the ladies' modesty, he beat up two photographers.

Soon after, he realised that perhaps thrashing the media when they had been specially invited to click pictures wasn't the norm and fled. The beat up lensmen however dragged another security personnel to the nearest Santa Cruz police station to lodge an official complaint.

The two photographers who were injured the most were Satyajit Desai and Dashrat Kadam. Talking to Mumbai Mirror, Satyajit said, "It is not that we photographers fall on celebrities.

We do this everyday. The bouncer started beating me, and whoever tried to intervene. Right now, I am at a hospital. The other photographer is badly injured. We went to the police station to file a complaint."

Another photographer angry at the episode said, "If they are calling us for an event where there are celebrities, we will take pictures. Who are these security people to hit cameramen so badly? Are they police officers?"