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Rebellious Harish Rawat supporters accuse Congress of betrayal

Watch special Debate on "Has Congress proved to be a weakling in Uttarakhand,after the rebllious supporters of central minister Hariish Rawat accuse Congress of betraying its other members second time?" As Rawat resigns of his position leading to protests against Vijaybahuguna at his abode Teen Murti.Albeit, would it be true to claim the supreme leader in Congress,chairperson Sonia Gandhi of her decision for Uttarakhand CM? Even if the current new chief minister maintains its position,what would be the mid-way out?Has Congress itself been divided between its own members? The grounds on which the newe CM had been chosen for,were unfair? To peer over the current dilemma in the Indan National COngress,we have Ajit Anjum with Pradeep Tamta,Amitabh Agnihotri,Pradeep Singh on News24.