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Lindsay Lohan Caught Up In Jewelry Theft

Lindsay Lohan must be having a bad case of déjà vu.

The actress is reportedly caught up in yet another theft, this time involving the robbery of jewelry from a Hollywood Hills home.

TMZ first reported that Lohan was being questioned by police about the Hollywood Hills robbery, which occurred Sunday night (E! online reports that the robbery took place Saturday evening). Lindsay reportedly spent the night at the house after a party and when she and other guests woke up, the owner of the home said his expensive jewelry had been stolen, including several watches and some sunglasses.

Lohan claimed she had nothing to do with the robbery, but the owner of the house believes two of the men the 26-year-old brought with her to the party stole his stuff, according to TMZ.

Lohan reportedly asked cops, "Am I a suspect?" and when an officer replied "No," she left.

This isn't the troubled starlet's first rodeo when it comes to stolen goods.

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