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Most Indian Milk Adulterated, contains detergent

A study conducted by Food Safety Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) across 33 states has found that milk was adulterated with detergent, fat and even urea, besides the age-old practice of diluting it with water. Across the country, 68.4% of the samples were found contaminated.

There appears to be no doubt that earning money & more money is the most important factor in our country today.Human factor is simply not considered when it comes to point of making money. And people are making it at any cost.

This is half and irrelevant news in absence of this information - population should boycott such manufacturer products immediately & this would certainly break the backbone of such manufacturer only in a DAY !! Probably we will survive not taking such adulterated milk & milk products. Speak up the names of such manufacturers.

The paucity of infrastructure,motivated manpower, determination and grit and political fragmentation are a stumbling block to improvement in quality of life and the importance of human life. Diversity of Indian people has now led to fragmentation of Indian politics with emergence of regionalism and regional politics at the cost of national politics and policies. This has led to wrangling and haggling for political power rather than focusing on solving basic human needs, in such a vast and popolus country as ours. The priorities appear to be gravitating away from life and quality of life.

Great India ! Enterprising India ! Making Impact Worldwide India !! Poised to be a Superpower very Soon !! probably with all weak and fragile population consuming adulterated products - will the population survive ?? Has the testing agency provided the details of BRANDS tested and found Adulterated ??

It is very good to come with the numbers. But what is the end result of this. Whether the any legal action taken against the people involved with this in humanity things.Mostly milk is consumed by childerns/ old people.

This is a result of sleeping regulatory authorities. There is a whole department to monitor and regulate food items on sale. But they rake in money from traders and prefer to go to sleep allowing traders to do their will and poison society freely. Afterall who dosent know milk is adulterated, sweets are all poison, vegatables and fruits are drugged. There is no one whom you can go to complain, no body pays attention or is responsible because they know that they have already 'greased' authorities and they can get away with whatever they do.

strong action will definitely be taken if you get cought committing a fraud - that is, unfortunately the only way out.

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